Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Room Built Around A Painting - #23

     In 2008, it was clear to both my husband and I that our little house was indeed too small for us and our cats.  The thought of moving made me sad.  The idea of having an addition put in was exciting.  We started to shop for a builder. 
     I imagined a spacious family room with minimal furnishings.  Windows carefully planned to catch the best light.  Wall space that would work well with furniture placement and still have ample room to display art work.  At that time, I was not necessarily thinking about my paintings but the ones collected.  Then it dawned on me, why not paint a big painting for the room?  We both wanted something modern and simple.  Surprisingly, I found a Van Gogh painting to copy that is a departure from his usual style.  We both agreed that it would look nice in the new room that isn't built yet.
     In May that year, we contracted with the builder.  The painting was completed sometime in June.  The builder and his crew started the foundation end of August and finished their part end of October.  To save on costs and to experience the joy of doing it ourselves, my husband and I did the finishing work of the room - painting, flooring, wood trim and lighting. 
     Finally, in mid-November, we moved the first piece of furniture into the new room and hung the painting above it.  The feeling of accomplishment words can not describe.  As if we were in our private gallery, we quietly admired the painting AND the room for quite awhile.  Both were exactly what we had envisioned.

("View of Paris From Montmartre")