Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Karen's Paradise" - In Loving Memory of Velvet

     I wanted to paint a picture for my friend Karen.  She loves nature and spends every possible moment outdoors.  She also loves her animals - her dog, Tele, and her three cats, Velvet, Spooky, and Willow.  I wanted to put her in a beautiful and serene setting with her favorite friends.  During that time, one of her cats, Velvet, was ill.  She was a senior cat and getting up in years.  I wanted to capture her spending precious time with them, especially Velvet.  I named it "Karen's Paradise."   After a few weeks, the oil paint dried and I sent it to Karen.  Velvet was nursed back to health.  That was in the summer of 2008.
     This August, I received an email from Karen that Velvet passed away.  Her little body was too weak to fight anymore.  Karen was overcome with grief.   I talked to her recently.  She said the painting reminds her of Velvet whenever she looks at it.  She said that without any sadness.  That's good.

"In Karen's paradise,  she is surrounded by prestine beauty and accompanied by her beloved babies, forever."  (on a card I enclosed with the painting)